Our Tote System
We have two options available for tote systems.

The first is the traditional tote ticket system, which is paper based.

The second system is our state of the art and newly purchased computerised tote system - this considerable investment brings Premier Race Night to the forefront of race night providers in the UK, the system was developed especially for us and makes your tote quicker, more accurate, more customisable and more secure than ever.

We can enter custom horse names and race names into our system, which appear throughout - both on screen and on the betting receipts, which makes sponsoring a race much more lucrative for sponsors.

Our operators can process bets in a couple of seconds, from the customer approaching the tote desk, to them walking away with a fully printed ticket in their hands detailing exactly how much they have bet on which horses. Tickets are printed using super fast thermal printers, such as those found in supermarket points of sale. All of a customers bets on a given race are held on one ticket. Each ticket has a unique serial number, which is also encoded into a barcode on each ticket printed - the system uses this to make sure no ticket is paid out twice, and will also make any tampering with the ticket fruitless.

When the tote is closed, the calculations are made instantly and a printouts are made for the organiser and the compere which detail exactly how much money was taken, how much will be paid out for each horse and which horses were most popular.

Once a winner is announced, the system goes into payout mode which means as well as taking bets for the next race, it will also respond when betting receipts are scanned by validating whether the receipt has been paid already, whether the receipt contains a winning bet and how much is due to be paid out.